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Introduction to Internship Agency A. Location, size, type of agency, mission B. Personnel, organizational structure, departmental breakdown II. Perceptions of Staff Functioning and Relationships A. Discuss how staff functioned as a unit, related to each other B. Explain how staff related to intern, how intern related to staff C. Explain how staff related to the general public, how general public related to staff D. Explain how intern related to general public, how general public related to intern III. Perceptions of Staff and Client* Relationships (*includes defendant, probationer, customer, etc.) A. Perceptions concerning treatment of clients encountered by the staff B. Perceptions concerning treatment of staff encountered by clients IV. Interesting Case Studies, Events, and/or Experiences A. Major activities, responsibilities, during internship B. Memorable experiences, lasting impressions V. View on how Academic Background was of Value during Internship A. Discuss how the required coursework was beneficial during internship B. Discuss those academic requirements, if any, which were not useful during internship C. Identify any additional coursework you would have liked to complete prior to internship VI. Detailed Personal Critique of Self A. Individual growth B. Professional growth C. Individual performance D. Discuss what was gained from the internship experience E. Explain how your individual performance could have been improved VII. Extent that Internship Will Help Plan to Actualize or Implement what was Learned for Future Growth A. Discuss if you still desire to pursue your career goals and objectives B. Discuss how or if your internship changed your attitude or perception of the criminal justice field C. Discuss how or if you can make a difference D. Discuss how the internship experience will help you be successful in your career pursuits VIII. Conclusion A. Explain if you would recommend the internship program to future students B. Having completed the internship, discuss whether you would or would not make the same decisions again C. Other concluding comments Additionally, interns are encouraged to include documents, video tapes, training materials, and information on their internship agency, or others, they feel would be helpful to the internship coordinator and/or other faculty and students. Interns can also include a section in their paper where they develop an itinerary of activities they experienced or wished they had an opportunity to experience. Basically, interns should start their paper with an introduction to their internship agency and finish it with a conclusion. In between interns should discuss their internship experiences, what they did, the relationships they built, what they got out of the internship, what they would change, what experiences had the greatest impact, least impact, and of course why or why not to each item. Look in the mirror and ask yourself who are you, what have you done, what are you planning to do, are you happy, and if given the opportunity knowing what you know today would you do it again (turn back the clock and relive the experience)? Remember, you will receive at least a one letter grade deduction if you fax your paper, fail to put your name on it, or do not number your pages. Also, you should not use a font greater or less than 12-point and the typeset should be Times New Roman, Courier New, or similar basic font style. Internship Paper Sections II and III Clarifications: Section III focuses on the staff and your perception (opinion, observations) of how they treated the people they dealt with (interacted with) throughout their day, and then turn that around and give your opinion (perception) of how the public (clients) treated the staff (employees) they encountered (interacted with). When you meet someone there is an interaction (good, bad, neutral, etc.). In sections two and three you are just giving your thoughts (opinions, perspective) about those interactions. Was everyone treated professionally, the same? Did the public respect the Officers, treat them fairly? Section III pertains to your perceptions of relationships between the department personnel and anyone they come into contact with. Basically how the department (personnel -- sworn and non-sworn) deals with the public and relates to them and visa-a-versa (that also includes you, how you got along with staff and the public and how they got along with you). Perceptions of Staff and Client* Relationships (*includes defendant, suspect, probationer, customer, etc.); in other words what were your perceptions concerning treatment of clients (individuals/public/suspects that the staff encountered and your perceptions concerning how the public treated the staff (department personnel). Did everyone get along, happy with each other, why or why not, etc.? Section III is similar to Section II except that it is looking more at the people (suspects, defendants, customer) you are coming in contact with rather than the general public as a whole (i.e., you witness someone receiving a ticket or be arrested for a crime; what/how were you treated and how did you treat them?). Section II, you are eating in a restaurant or walking through the business district, how are you treated, how do you treat the public?      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